Forum Wood Building Nordic 2023

28 sep.
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Together with Finland and Norway, Sweden alternates in being the host for the WBN, an event that since 2012 developed to one of the leading events for wood building and construction in the Nordic countries. The overall topic this year is “Progress accelerates! Are you keeping up?”

The 12th Forum Wood Building Nordic focuses on the fast-changing wood building environment. The wood building sector has claimed its place in the construction industry long time ago and is currently accelerating in an unheard-of pace. Wood is an indispensable building material and each year, more new actors enter the industry as they discover the benefits of using wood in construction. This accelerates the progress: new technologies, innovations, strategic benefits, digitalization…Are you still keeping up?

Topics to be covered at this year’s conference are dealing with technical issues in building physics like structures, sound, vibrations and connectors. Furthermore, areas like product development for automation, hybrid systems, wood bioeconomy, city development and wood as the perfect green partner are presented as well.

För more information & registration

28 september - 29 september