About the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry

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The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry - Trä- och Möbelföretagen (TMF) - is the national trade and employers' association of the wood processing and furniture industry in Sweden and represents approximately 700 member companies who jointly have around 30 000 employees.

TMF's vision and business idea is to a be a strong representative for all companies in the furniture and wood processing industries in Sweden and to find methods to develop Swedish furniture and wood processing industries' long-term competitiveness and profitability.

TMF - a trade organisation

TMF provides member organisations with a strong voice in the marketplace and in all levels of government - international, Swedish and local. TMF addresses a host of important industry questions to aid member organisations in their development. These include business and housing questions, work to increase the use of wood in construction projects and increased exports. We are also interested in finding means to reduce work-related injuries in the industry.

Common industry questions

Our members have varied service requirements, based on their production areas. As such, we have grouped members according to their industry sectors, in order to facilitate their discussion of common questions.

This enables member groups to address and present their specific questions with a clearer focus. Examples of common industry questions include such topics as group arrangements for trade fairs, the development of industrial standards, and the compilation of statistics.

Strengthening companies' competitive edge 

Special areas of interest relevant to our member organisations can be brought to the attention of politicians and government bodies with greater influence, especially in the area of industrial policy.

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